Figuring Out the Best Ceiling Fan Direction in Winter Months

Ceiling Fan Direction in Winter MonthsThe power of social media has been able to graciously connect people from all around the world and with this connection, inevitably comes mass debates. One debate that has been boggling the Internet is the best ceiling fan direction in winter months to conserve precious energy and keep us comfortable.

Normal Directions Of A Ceiling Fan

If heat rises, do we reverse the direction to settle it where residents can feel it? Not only is the direction a debate, but some don’t know about the general directions when staring up at a ceiling fan. A counter-clockwise spinning motion indicates the forward direction of a ceiling fan. A reverse direction is characterized by a clockwise direction that can be seen when looking up.

Ceiling Fan Direction in Winter Months and Summer Months

As mentioned before, hot air rises. When warm air must be forced down, the spinning must oppose this and bring it down to draw the cooler air up. The motion that would cause this would be a clockwise-reverse motion. To avoid a chilly effect caused by the fan being turned on, the reverse negates this by pushing the warm air down and toward the walls.

This same chilly effect should be applied during the summer. Since the person who is feeling warm wants to become cooler, the ceiling fan should be set to forward, which is the counter-clockwise direction (when looking up at the fan). The forward motion will allow a cool column of air to rush down toward the ground and spread out, cooling off the people in the room. The same motion will allow the warm air to stay at the top and away from those in the room.

How To Change The Direction Of A Ceiling Fan

Each switch is different but is usually located on the middle console of the ceiling fan. One must acquire a step stool to change this switch unless you’re tall enough to reach it safely. For switches in the vertical direction, flip the switch down to begin the downward airflow for the summer time and up for upward flow for the winter months.

For those with a horizontal switch, one must slide the switch left for downward summertime flow and slide right for upward winter flow. Newer ceiling fans come with a remote for an easier switch.

Conserve Energy

Simply by changing the ceiling fan direction in winter months, homeowners owners can save upwards of 15% on heating costs and conserve energy. But remember, the purpose of a ceiling fan it to cool the individuals in a room, the temperature of a room typically does not drop. That being said, when you exit the room, remember to turn off the fan (and lights) when you leave.

For more ways to reduce energy consumption and protect the environment, connect with our heating and cooling experts at Point Bay Fuel. The less energy you use, the more money you save. Call us today, (732) 349-5059.