Are You Spending Too Much? 8 Surprising Ways to Slash Energy Costs for Good

Energy CostsAccording to predictions from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), energy costs are expected to increase this winter (through March 31) compared with last winter. Their latest report, “Short Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook,” forecasts that the average household expenditures for heating oil will be 38% higher than last winter due to higher expected heating demands. Despite largely unchanged prices, these higher demands are expected to contribute to electricity expenditures that are 5% higher than last winter.

Add that to the fact that here in the Northeast, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration expects us to see 17% colder temperatures this winter (compared with last winter) and you can see why it’s important to save.

Energy Costs Expected to Increase This Winter

Because of these chilling predictions, our home comfort and heating specialists have put together practical tips to increase your home’s efficiency while reducing energy costs and cutting down on waste and pollution at the same time. Assess the areas of your home that need improvement and reduce inefficiencies inside and out.

8 Ways to Slash Energy Costs for Good


When you add moisture to the air, it can hold more heat, helping to make your heating system more efficient. Use a humidifier to save on energy and keep your home more comfortable. And of course, it also prevents dry skin and chapped lips during the cold winter months, too.

Let the Sunlight In

Optimize the sunlight when you can. Open the window shades during peak hours to allow the light to naturally heat your home. Natural lighting can also help you save energy from using artificial light, too. Then at night, close the curtains to act as barriers and reduce drafts. Every little bit helps.

Change Ceiling Fan Direction

Change the fan to turn counter-clockwise during the winter which will push warm air down from the top of your room. This will keep the room warmer and give your heating system a much-needed break.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Want to spend less and waste less? Before winter is in full-effect, schedule your HVAC system tune-up to get inspected and repaired if necessary. Once you clear out the dust and lubricate fans, you’ll not only have an efficient heating system that will keep you warm consistently, you’ll also be able to reduce monthly fuel expenses.

Replace Weather-stripping

Worn weather-stripping around doors and windows can create drafts and let cold air inside. Some studies show that seven to twelve percent of a home’s heat loss occurs around the windows and doors. The fix is as simple as pulling off the old and tacking on the new and can save you big bucks over the winter months. Lock up and close all doors and windows tightly; it will make a difference for your heating bill.

Drafty Holes

Electrical boxes in your exterior walls can be drafty partially due to improper insulation behind and around them. Other holes from pipes, gas lines and electrical cables in exterior walls can also let in outside air. To stop these notorious leaks, caulk around pipes, remove the cover plates and fill the gaps.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

Smart thermostats can help you save up to 12 percent on heating bills and some, like the Nest, even learn your lifestyle to adjust accordingly saving you even more!

Clear Space Around Registers

Your registers need a clear path to blow warm air into the room. If you have any furniture over the register, the flow of heat is going to be limited; it’s like closing the vent partially. To cut heating costs, move your room around so that the register is as unobstructed as possible.

Schedule Your Heating System Tune-Up and Save on Energy Costs with Point Bay Fuel

The list can go on. And on. So, grab a warm blanket and start slashing energy costs so you can hit the slopes with all that extra savings! Contact Point Bay Fuel today at (732) 349-5059 to learn more or to schedule a tune-up.