Are You Spending Too Much? 8 Surprising Ways to Slash Energy Costs for Good

Energy Costs

According to predictions from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), energy costs are expected to increase this winter (through March 31) compared with last winter. Their latest report, “Short Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook,” forecasts that the average household expenditures for heating oil will be 38% higher than last winter due to higher expected…

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6 Tips to Make Your Room Air Conditioner More Efficient

Make room air conditioner more efficient with home automation system. Directly make changes to your AC unit from your smartphone.

Summertime savings can be a difficult feat, especially, when your room air conditioning system is running for most of the day (and night). Add that to the fact that over the years, your AC system has probably lost some efficiency and you can kiss any big savings goodbye. But FEAR NOT!! There are still some…

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Worried About Winter Energy Prices?

Lower Energy Prices

Winter is already here, and for some people, that could mean a massive heating bill. But luckily, with a couple of intelligent decisions, you can reduce your winter energy prices without impacting your life too much. Below, our heating experts have put together a couple of handy tips to help you lower energy costs during…

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