Prepare For Winter and Prevent Unexpected Furnace Repair

Prevent Unexpected Furnace Repairs by Changing Your Furnace FilterThe days are getting shorter, the nights are getting colder, and soon you’ll be driving through the dark streets with only one thought on your mind: curling up on the couch in your cozy home, protected from the winter chill.

Then imagine going to turn on your furnace on that first cold day, only to discover that something’s wrong. The house won’t warm up, and suddenly you’re forced to layer on sweaters and sit underneath mountains of blankets while you shiver and wait for a furnace repair.

This situation is entirely preventable, but only if you don’t wait until the winter weather arrives to start thinking about your furnace. Here are a few steps to take now to ensure your heating system is fully operational when you need it:

Give Your Furnace a Little Space

Cleaning isn’t just for spring. Take some time to clean out the area around your furnace, moving away items that may have accumulated there during the warmer months. Pay special care to items that may catch fire – you certainly don’t want those on or around the furnace when it starts up. It’s also a good idea to walk through the rest of the house and see if there are any items sitting on top or in front of your heating vents, as they will prevent the warm air from circulating freely.

Change Your Furnace Filters Regularly

Make it a habit to check your filter every 30 days, even during the summer months when the furnace is off. The filters can often be found at a lower cost during the summer, so stock up then, and replace the filter whenever it appears dirty.

You may want to consider upgrading if you’re using a standard, flat filter. Pleated, HEPA or electrostatic filters can help increase your furnace’s efficiency, allowing the warm air to flow throughout the home.

Check That Your Thermostat is Working Properly

Fire up the thermostat and make sure the heat responds accordingly. Any problems might mean that your heating system is not working as efficiently as it could be. If you’re still using a manual thermostat, look in to switching to a programmable or wireless model. Both options allow you to lower the temperature at set times, saving money on your heating bills.

Bring in a Professional

Your furnace should be examined by an HVAC professional at least once a year. The professionals will do what you cannot: check for leaky valves, test burners for maximum efficiency, and clean the furnace so it runs smoothly. You should also have your air ducts cleaned, ensuring the warm air can reach every corner of your home. Professional furnace repair and maintenance will make sure that your heating system is ready to handle those long, cold months ahead.

Stay Warm with Point Bay’s Oil Delivery Service

Point Bay Energy Heating and Cooling offers automated home oil delivery to help ensure you stay warm all winter long. Call today at 732-349-5059 or fill out a contact form on the website.