Major Consequences Of Not Changing Your Air Filter

hvac air filter replacement

Although HVAC air filters seem like a minor component, they actually have a very significant effect on your HVAC system’s performance and lifespan. In this article, we’ll emphasize the importance of changing your HVAC air filters. We’ll discuss how they work and the consequences that arise when you neglect to perform this important task.

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IAQ: What You Should Know About Indoor Air Quality

image of house and indoor air pollutants

IAQ, or indoor air quality, is a key component of a healthy home or building and yet, it is also often overlooked. Understanding the importance of IAQ is the first step to knowing how to promote better indoor air quality. In this article, you will find the most common indoor air quality FAQ.

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5 Reasons Your Filter Isn’t Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

woman sneezing due to poor indoor air quality

Particles in the air indoors can enter small passages easily. Without realizing it, we breathe them in and they infiltrate deep into our lungs. If the air is full of multiple pollutants, then we can suffer from ill-health over time. However, we can use the proper HVAC filters to trap particulates, improving indoor air quality at home.

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