Commercial Air Conditioner Service With Fast Solutions

commercial air conditioners on rooftopWhen you’re faced with an emergency commercial air conditioner situation, you need a solution, fast! At Point Bay Energy Heating and Cooling, we’re here to help you take the stress out of emergency replacement, reduce downtime and boost energy efficiency (and employee productivity) at the same time.

How Long Will Your Commercial Air Conditioner Last?

If you’re curious how long you have before a potential breakdown, the answer isn’t that easy. Generally, a commercial HVAC system can last between ten to fifteen years, but that depends on a few things such as:

  • Frequency of maintenance
  • Quality of components
  • Annual usage demands
  • Efficiency of system
  • Size of unit
  • Skill of technicians during maintenance
  • Proper system installation and repairs

Preventative Maintenance for Commercial Air Conditioner Systems

commercial AC maintenanceAs with all appliances, an aging system will work less efficiently than a new unit. Because of this, operating costs will start to increase and the cost of keeping the HVAC system operational will eventually outweigh the costs of repairs. To minimize operational and future repair costs, consider optimizing your commercial HVAC now with annual preventative maintenance.

At Point Bay Energy Heating and Cooling, we are committed to helping building owners and property managers lower their operating expenses through HVAC preventative maintenance.

Trust in a Professional Commercial Air Conditioner Company

We’re proud to be the best commercial air conditioner company in the Toms River, New Jersey, area since 1906. Much more than a contractor, we’re a family-owned, local HVAC company you can trust for your commercial building that will provide you with peace of mind, improved comfort and energy savings.

Here’s why:

Emergency Service 24/7- Wouldn’t it be nice if we could schedule emergencies? You know, your car only gets a flat tire in the driveway…the kids only get sick on the weekends…the power only goes out during off-hours…and the AC only goes out in the fall. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. And our certified service technicians get that. Which is why we’re here for you 24/7 with emergency service when you need us most.

Experience– The service technicians at Point Bay Energy Heating and Cooling are experienced in residential and commercial heating and cooling systems. Our staff receives regular training to provide the best possible solutions for repairs, installs or maintenance.

Extra Savings– Don’t just make office comfort a priority, make your budget a priority, too. Point Bay Energy Heating and Cooling offers a new customer special and budget plans to help you simplify your finances year-round. Ask about the importance of HVAC preventative maintenance to help you save even more.

When it comes time to call for commercial air conditioning service in the Ocean County area, Point Bay Energy Heating and Cooling is the obvious choice. Don’t just take our word for it, take your neighbors’.

Give us a call at (732) 349-5059 or contact us today for a free estimate.