Automated Heating Oil Delivery Makes Financial Sense

Automated Heating Oil DeliveryWhen a big storm is about to hit, you want to make sure that you’ve got enough heating oil in the tank to ride out the cold days ahead. Do you feel safe knowing that enough fuel will be delivered to your home before the storm moves in? With Point Bay’s automated heating oil delivery, New Jersey residents can indeed protect your family and stay warm. Sign up for automatic heating oil delivery and get the peace of mind that Point Bay Energy Heating and Cooling is monitoring your fuel usage so you won’t get stuck in the cold and save money in the long run.

What is Automated Heating Oil Delivery?

Automated heating oil delivery lifts the burden of monitoring oil levels off your shoulders. Rather than checking the tank, placing a call and hoping oil can be delivered promptly, the heating company assumes this responsibility for you. Your heating oil is monitored and more is delivered before your current fuel runs out.

How are My Oil Needs Determined?

Point Bay Fuel uses degree day monitoring to create an individually tailored schedule that is adjusted every day, ensuring you never run out of heating oil. A degree day calculation is added to your home’s “k-factor,” which is determined based on the number of degree days your household takes to use one gallon of oil. Once your k-factor is set, it is used to notify the service technicians as to when more heating oil should be added to your tank.

C.O.D. Oil Delivery Can offer Flexibility, but Risky

C.O.D. oil delivery requires you pay the asking price for heating oil on the day of delivery and can be a bit of a financial gamble. Oil prices change often, and supply and demand has a great effect on how much you’ll be paying. In other words, when a big storm is coming, you’re unlikely to be the only one measuring the fuel levels in your tank. Others will be looking to buy heating oil as well, driving up its cost. You’ll have no choice but to pay the more expensive rate if you want to make sure your home stays warm throughout a cold snap.

While automatic delivery can ensure you always have enough fuel to heat your home, if you prefer to decide when you want your fuel delivery, we also offer the flexibility of will-call heating oil delivery. When you are ready to schedule heating oil delivery, contact us a few days prior to the delivery time and place your order.

Get the Best Price for Heating Oil this Winter: Enroll in Automated Oil Delivery Service

When relying on an automated oil delivery service to keep fuel in your tank, it’s essential to choose a reliable company with a great reputation. Point Bay Energy, Heating and Cooling has been supplying Ocean and Monmouth Counties with quality service for over 100 years. Call today at (732) 349-5059 or contact us online to set up your automatic oil delivery service.